Saturday, June 26, 2010

Can't live with 'em...can't live without 'em

I find myself once again in a particular situation I loathe being in. There was this guy...(it always starts with a guy, darn trouble-makers)...he was a wonderful, genuine, funny, sexy guy...and I liked him. A lot. (Isn't that always the case?) I thought he liked me. After all we talked/texted everyday, had some scandalous/fun/serious conversations and were pretty set on meeting each other. He had even mentioned a hypothetical 5 yr+ plan if it worked out. He fit so so many things I wanted in a guy. He was even a firefighter ;) and could ride horses. He was LDS, but shared similar views with me, thought it was awesome that I was going to med school, and we just fit together really well. He had had some bad relationships, and I could really empathize...I wanted to make it better for him. I really did care for him. I was excited that it might actually be something. I resisted at first, but I knew I was slipping...and when I fall, I fall hard. Then the texts/calls stopped for a few days. It began to worry me. I already have anxiety...but let me back up as to explain why I am this way.


Several years ago there was another boy. First love boy we'll call him. I was crazy about him. Crazy. He was sweet and we had a lot of fun together. I had never had anyone want me like that, or a fun group of friends to hang out with, and he gave me that. I would have done almost anything for him at the time...except marriage outside my church or compromise my morals. Needless to say after a wonderful weekend of "I'm so lucky to have're so beautiful...blah blah blah..." he ended it abruptly. No explanations except "it would never work, I don't want anything to do with your church." I begged. I pleaded. I ranted and raved. I spent the next two years trying to decide if my faith was worth this boy. I was so happy with him. Happier than I'd been in a long time. And he moved on like I had been nothing. It destroyed me. I've spent the time since then trying to pick up the pieces and put them back together when I realized I didn't even really know how they fit together or what the original shape was. I realized the problems ran a lot deeper than just a bad breakup. It also didn't help that depression's a pretty common occurrence in my family. If you've never been depressed or had someone you really cared about suffer from it - you really wouldn't understand unless you're just the most compassionate person in the world. I say that in the most loving way possible. It's miserable. It's given me an incredible amount of compassion for suffering in general, and especially mental illness. I'm still climbing out of the hole, but I at least like to think I'm almost there :P

This particular event precipitated several more on and off "relationships." Most weren't official...the one that was, I knew I didn't really like the guy, but he was intelligent, educated, well-traveled, and decent looking...and I was lonely. He filled the gap for the summer until I went to school, we went on a break, he started dating another girl, and I had to hound him to actually find out that we were officially broken up. News to me. It was hard to lose another relationship...I mourned the loneliness, but not the guy. He couldn't even be bothered to tell me he decided it was over.

The next guy I actually met online and flew out to see. In short, we talked/texted all the time, he had said things like, "If this works out, I'll make you feel like a queen forever...and remind you that you are one everyday." He shut down his online account saying "I already found the girl I want, I don't need it anymore." And when I expressed caution about him wanting to back out (since obviously it has happened before...several times), his response was, "Why would I back out of something that's dang near perfect?" So I splurged and went and saw him. We had a really fun time. I never heard from him again after he dropped me off at the airport.

At least have the balls to say, "Thanks, but no thanks... Here let me help you pay for the ticket you bought to come see me."

(Note these are only the main ones...there were several others with very similar endings...I guess I just never had the strength to end something - I was too hopeful it would actually work out.)


Needless to say, communication is very important to me. I understand things happen, and sometimes a guy can't call or text, but if you're trying to build a relationship with someone, you contact them. So when the communication halts for a period of time, it just sets this reaction off in me. I know what's coming. He's leaving and I'm going to be alone again. Enter anxiety.

That's what happened with Mr. Firefighter. I finally checked his facebook to find out he had gone to another state to see a different girl. (Side note: we weren't in the same state either.) Now, we weren't exclusive or anything, and I knew that he wanted to date a lot of people, but at the same time, he could at least check to see how I'm doing and just let me know what's up. (Remember, if you're trying to build a relationship, you contact that person.) He finally texted back. He then proceeded to spew bs about "I don't want to rush into a relationship...((I can understand that...I don't either))...she's ok with me dating other people... ((and I'm not? I just said those exact words a few days ago.))...she just wants to know...((and I don't??)) worries me that you got upset...((wouldn't any other girl get upset? you told me you wanted to be the one who takes my virginity! Like a week ago!))...I'm going to focus on her now." The next day, they were in an official relationship. I feel like a used piece of trash. (At least he bothered to tell me. Improvement!)

I will say this...I've never been more comfortable with being alone in my life. I'm actually enjoying it. Everyday I know more and more about me and who I am and what I want. And for the first time in my life, I don't want to date. I don't even want to look. I want to be happy. Genuinely happy. Like, crazy happy I can't keep from smiling happy. Then I want to share that happiness with someone. It's inside somewhere, I just have to get it to come out. It breaks my poor little already-tattered heart that it didn't happen with Mr. Firefighter. hurts to even think about it. So much of what I wanted in one person...and I lost it. Without even a chance to fight for it. Seems to be my lot in life sometimes. I like to think I could've made him very happy.

But as for me...I keep growing...even if it's painful. I can't wait til the day where I find my guy. He's gonna be one lucky son of a gun!! ;) I have so much love just waiting for him to come and claim it. Knowing how it is to be without him...I'll be all the more grateful to be with him. I want to make him the happiest guy on earth. But in the meantime, I have work to do. I'm still trying to settle my faith issues. I have to decide if medical school is the right choice. It is complicated in part by the fact that I don't want to be alone forever and med school severely interferes with my ability to date and/or my flexibility if I actually find a guy... If I do it, he would have to move to where I go to school (or already be there), and then possibly pick up in 4 years and move again to wherever I get residency. Being a female doctor sucks sometimes, but it's awesome in the end...if I can just make it there.

Much love :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

First of all...setting up a design for this thing was HARD. I'm pretty indecisive...couple that with tons of choices and you've got a disaster lol. My friend Eric insisted I blog throughout medical school to keep everyone informed on my education and life, so I one-upped him and started early :P jk Eric...

Yes, I'm headed to medical school in the fall...most likely. It's a very hard decision to make. I've worked extremely hard for it through the past four years, been to hell (and still on my way back), and the first day gets closer and closer and I'm getting more and more nervous. I have input coming in from every direction, but in the end it's really just between me and the Lord. My end goal is dermatology - I love the field. It's amazing, fun, competitive to get into, but totally awesome to practice. It also gives me a very flexible schedule - something that is very important to me. I hope to have a family one day and I really do not want to be the mom that's never there. That touches on one of the reasons I wouldn't go to med would be hard for whatever guy that would be crazy enough to marry me to build a family, work out a schedule, parent kids, and really just get through it. That and I know that in the church it's generally frowned upon for women to work outside the home. And I already had a guilt complex to begin with...

BUT...on the other hand, I've been told to use my of them that I see is intelligence. I would feel like I was wasting myself doing something else. And there would always be that nasty little voice reminding me I "could've" been a doctor. I hate that voice lol. That, and there's not even a guy I'm seriously dating right now, so I would hate to throw away an opportunity on a guy that I don't even know exists. I've also always been pretty independent...I like to know I can take care of myself and my own, at least financially.

So although those decisions are coming up quick, I'd rather blog about something else :P I've had a rough couple of weeks for various reasons, but I do see the little good things that have helped to make them much better. Tuesday before last, my sister Danielle took me out to Gruene Hall. (Gruene, Texas is possibly the most adorable small town in Texas and has an awesome band that plays there every Tuesday called Two Tons of they call it "Two Ton Tuesdays" and it's been going on for about 15 years now.) Anyway I was feeling down, but she managed to convince me and I really wasn't sure I was going to have a good time...but I'm so glad I was wrong lol. Dani went to dance with her friend Albert (they're amazing dancers btw) and I knew Albert would dance with me eventually but I was pretty content to sit and listen to the music. So while sitting, I started chatting with the girl next to me who turned out to be from San Antonio too, went to a neighboring high school, and was my same age. That would be Kris, and she's pretty awesome. Kris then proceeded to introduce me to her friends, which included guys that could dance! Her friend Seth then asked me to dance and taught (I was re-learning) me how to dance...mostly two step. I really forgot how much I enjoyed dancing til that night. I didn't even notice the time pass! Afterwards Dani and I got food at Sonic, which was run by possibly the most incompetent teenagers ever lol, and then headed home.

Other highlights would include this last weekend I spent in the DFW area... I got to see WICKED!!! It was so amazing! I absolutely loved it. I actually drove up early, separately from my family, and stayed with my friend Alicia to visit. I was going to go riding at Ashley's place but she had too many riders that weekend :( Sad times... Ashley is an amazing rider and her family owns an amazing facility with amazing horses and last semester she was kind enough to let me come ride to keep me from going insane. Riding is very therapeutic for me...keeps the stress down :) There really is a breath of heaven between a horses ears...except when you're flying between them to land in the dirt - which has happened to me lol. Anyway Alicia, Maggie and I had a great time together on Friday - including another Fuzzy's Friday! It was good to see everyone again...the end of school got crazy and it seems like our last Fuzzy's Friday was a long time ago... Saturday was Wicked, which was amazing. We went with my sister Rachel's inlaws and then went out to dinner and played games afterward. Sunday my family went home and I went back to Alicia's. Alicia and I later went to Victoria's Secret semi-annual sale (a long-standing tradition for us lol) where I found the perfect pair of panties for me...they say "have fun" on the butt lol. (Having fun is my goal for the summer...through various trying things, it's actually become a rather difficult thing for me to do...but more on that later.) I also went and said goodbye to Dr. Harrington's office and took Dr. Harrington chocolates...which she loves. She always says she runs on chocolate and diet coke lol. (And it's true...) Dr. Harrington and her involvement in my life deserves it's own post so I'll save that for a more boring day. Needless to say...she's awesome.

I drove home Monday evening and went to Two Ton again on Tuesday...and had a lot of fun again. Except when Seth punched me in the jaw with his elbow...which he called an "accident" :P No, he really didn't mean to, but I enjoy giving him a hard time about it. I never knew dancing could be so dangerous lol...I'll start carrying my medical insurance card on me when I dance with Seth! Yesterday was...difficult...but I made it through and today I have to do a drivers safety course for the accident I was in on my bday. :( Boo! Yeah, when you rear-end someone in Texas, you get a ticket, just fyi for all you non-Texas resident readers. Oh yeah and now I have to get a different car...apparently there was more damage than we though originally (the accident was in December) and so my dad decided it would be best for me to get something else that I don't have to baby while I'm in med school. Unfortunately, that probably means taking out a car loan :/ I'm not ready to be a big kid :P Anyway, that's all for now folks, I've really got to get on this driver safety course so I can go to midnight rodeo tonight!!!

Much love :)