Sunday, July 4, 2010


Wow, so apparently I'm a bad blogger... I've been alternating between really fun / really busy and super boring lately. A few weekends ago my friend came into town and taught me how to shoot guns - it was AWESOME! And I was a pretty dang good shot! I'm gonna have to get my chl before I move... :P We also went fishing on her land and rode around on the horses bareback and just overall had a good time. Oh, and we went dancing. Her boyfriend's a decent dancer and I found some other guys to go around the floor, but I was definitely beat by 2 am. (I'm such an old lady lol.)

Anyway, lately I've been hanging out with my friends from San Marcos that I go dancing with in Gruene (the cutest little town in Texas...with the oldest dance hall too!) I'm getting better at not trying to lead the guy and have braved flips! I want to learn how to do the candlestick...but Seth has to solemnly swear he's not going to drop me on my head! Anyway, I went to midnight rodeo with them last Thursday up in Austin, and it was really fun! I need a new pair of boots it looks like I'll have to check out Cavender's before next week. I met a nice guy named Cody there, who little did I know, would take me on a date this last Saturday...and it was really fun! We went to this Japanese restaurant where the cook right in front of you...our chef was really funny and even threw food into peoples' mouths lol. Cody was pretty good at catching them too! I was definitely eye-hand coordination is lacking and I wouldn't even want to think what my eye-mouth coordination is lol. He had us laughing almost the whole meal. We also went and saw A-Team and then hung around his place and talked/watched tv :) Hopefully later this week we're checking out the lake, the zoo, and there were rumors of 4-wheeling... :D

Then today I went to church and ran into my absolutely fabulous cousin, Dorathe. Man, I love that girl. She's pretty much amazing, and it was nice to have someone to sit with / talk to / be generally irreverent with! :P Oh and she knows about a lot of the stuff I'm dealing with right now. That helps leagues too. It's nice to be able to open up to someone :)

Oh, and I'm totally on a Texas country kick lately. Best music ever. The difference between pop country and Texas country? Pop country, I'll buy one or two songs that I'll listen to from an artist - Texas country, I buy the whole album, having never heard it, and listen to every song and like every one. Maybe it's just the Texas girl in me :) Honestly, nothing beats a Texas girl. ;) If you haven't figured out the truth in this statement, you really should. You're cheating yourself otherwise lol.

Here's my latest favorite...kinda reminds me of myself, and it's super sweet. (And it sings about a girl with green eyes!!! Which are the best, we all know :P )

"She's Like Texas" - Josh Abbott Band

She's as free as blue bonnets in the summer.
She's as hot as the Padre Island sun.
Most of the time she's warm and friendly
Like the hills that surround Austin.

She's as bright as the Dallas sky.
She always holds her head up high.
She loves the company of her family.
She believes in God's greater plan.
She trusts that I'm a good man.
That's why I'll always believe
That she's like Texas, and she likes me.

Her eyes are green as the trees in Nacogdoches.
Her teeth are white as cotton in the fall.
And when she laughs you'll always take notice
Because her heart's charm shines right through it all.

Her moods can change like the weather out in Lubbock.
But if you show her love, man she'll return it

She's as bright as the Dallas sky.
She always holds her head up high.
She loves the company of her family.
She believes in God's greater plan.
She trusts that I'm a good man.
That's why I'll always believe
That she's like Texas, and she likes me.

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